We stand out by actively working to secure early approval for Social Security Disability benefits, prioritizing clients' financial and medical needs over extended timelines that would increase attorney fees. Their dedicated team is committed to achieving the fastest possible resolution, ensuring clients receive the benefits they deserve without unnecessary delays.

Social Security Disability Do's and Don'ts
Do Hire an Attorney to Represent Your Claim
You are not required by law to hire legal representation for your claim for Social Security Disability benefits, but it is in your best interests to do so. The team at The Disability Group can assist you in gathering the required documentation to support your claim, take care of the necessary follow-up to push your case through the system, and can represent you in an appeal if you are wrongfully denied. You cannot assume that the Social Security Administration will look out for your best interests-they receive approximately 2.5 million claims every year, and are known for both making mistakes and for not having the resources to correct a claimant's mistakes. Let Ms. Gunter guide you through the process and help you improve your chances of success.
Contact us today to get started on your case.
Don't Wait Until You Have Been Out of Work for a Year
While it is true that you will not be eligible for Social Security Disability unless you have a condition which prevents you from working for at least a year, you do not necessarily have to wait until the year has run out before filing your claim. Provided that you can supply medical testimony of the fact that you will be forced out of work for a year or longer, you should be qualified to claim financial and medical benefits. Keep in mind, many people have to wait several months or even more than a year before their claims are approved, so you should not wait any longer than absolutely necessary.
Do Seek Full Medical Attention for Your Condition
When you submit your application for benefits to the Social Security Administration, the Disability Determination Services staff will examine your claim for evidence that you are suffering from a qualified disability. By including sufficient medical documentation of the fact that you have been seeking treatment, you will have a better chance of being able to prove that your condition is one which genuinely makes it impossible for you to earn a suitable income.
Don't Give Up if Your Claim Has Been Denied
In the Panama City area 76% of all new claims for Social Security Disability are denied, but the chances of approval improve as you proceed through the various stages of appeal. Ms. Gunter and his dedicated staff of paralegals can examine your claim for errors or insufficient information and represent you in your Social Security Disability claim. The average wait time for an appeal hearing with an Administrative Law Judge in the Panama City area is currently 16 to 18 months, but the team at the firm routinely takes actions to expedite the process and is often able to get a client approved "on the record," which is to say get the client approved before the hearing.
Do you have any more questions on how to proceed with your social security disability claim? Contact The Disability Group today.

The Disability Group Social Security Disability practice is built on helping people who have been denied benefits. The legal team is continually updating medical records and corresponding with the Hearing Office to review the claim in light of the new evidence in an effort to secure an approval prior to going to a Hearing. Our team at The Disability Group is focused on getting our clients the Social Security Disability benefits they deserve as soon as possible. In addition to receiving benefits from the date of your application's approval, it is possible in most cases to recover the benefits you would have received if your application had not been denied in the first place.

View Our Available ResourcesProviding you with a directory of essential resources in Panama City, including low-cost clinics, hospitals, mental health and substance abuse facilities, and shelters. Offering contact information for local health departments, vocational rehabilitation services, and transportation options to support community well-being.
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